About Devico
We produce state-of-the-art products for directional core drilling, downhole navigation, core orientation, drill rig alignment and QA/QC data management.
With our headquarters in Norway, and a global network of branch offices and distributors, Devico services and solutions are easily accessible in all key mining and civil markets around the globe.
Devico mission statement
“Devico shall be world leading within directional core drilling, borehole surveying and belonging software.” EST. 1988, Viktor Tokle

The history of Devico
In the early 1980’s, borehole surveying became a standard procedure in the mining industry, as professionals in the industry became aware of borehole deviation and discovered that most drilled holes ended up far from where they were planned. They started dreaming of the ability to steer boreholes to precisely hit targets.
In 1986, Viktor Tokle developed a system for directional core drilling while working at the Sintef research institute in Trondheim, Norway. In order to bring this technology to the market, Viktor took a leap of faith and left Sintef to start Devico in 1988. The directional core drilling system he launched, and eventually dubbed DeviDrill, has undergone continuous development throughout the years, and the fact that the DeviDrill enables accurate steering of boreholes while simultaneously capturing drill core, has revolutionized the use of directional drilling in the industry. Today, the DeviDrill has been used on numerous projects in more than 40 different countries around the world, for a total of over 500,000m of directional core drilling.
Viktor also knew that accurate steering of boreholes is not possible without accurate borehole surveys and the possibility to plan efficient drill programs. In 1992, the DeviSoft directional drill planning software was launched, and in 1995 Devico released the DeviTool, the first electronic survey tool in the industry to stay onboard during drilling.
From the start of Devico, the company vision was to be world leading within directional core drilling, borehole surveying and belonging software.
Today, more than 30 years after the founding of Devico, and with a large range of industry leading products and services that have been born from a desire to continuously innovate, it is safe to say that Devico has fulfilled its vision.
Our work does not stop here, however. Many new products are on the verge of being launched, and Devico pledges to continue its effort to be world leading within directional core drilling, borehole surveying and belonging software.

our people
A great part of Devico’s success can be attributed to our dedicated and qualified personnel. The Devico Group currently consists of 20 business units in 15 different countries around the world, totaling almost 200 employees. Devico is dependent on each and every one of them to deliver high quality products and services every day to ensure the best experience for our customers.
To provide leading, qualified Directional Core Drilling services to the hard rock drilling industry, Devico and our subsidiaries have established an international group of expert field engineers that supervise directional projects around the globe. These engineers are highly trained, dedicated, and boast over 500,000m of directional core drilling experience between them; thus, providing high quality, professional service based on experience, honesty, and commitment to results. Having been through an extensive training period with both theory and practice in the field prior to earning their title, new recruits become part of this culture, without ever compromising our high level of competence.
All Devico products are designed, developed, built, and tested in-house at our headquarters in Trondheim, Norway. All stages of this work are performed by qualified mechanical and electrical engineers with years of expertise.
This combination of proven, state-of-the-art technology and highly qualified personnel is what makes Devico a successful organization, for us and our customers.

Erlend Olsø
Chief Executive Officer
Erlend has a M.S. degree in Engineering Mechanics from the University of Texas at Austin, and extensive experience with R&D and business development from the oil & gas industry before joining Devico.
Espen Brandslet
Chief Operating Officer & Business Manager
Before joining Devico, Espen worked as a Logistics Officer for the Royal Norwegian Air Force.
Torkil Finnanger
Chief Financial Officer
Torkil holds a MSc in Economics and Business Administration and a MSc in Audit and Accounting from NHH Norwegian School of Economics.
Before joining Devico, Torkil has 7 years of experience as CFO and 10 years of experience from Audit and Advisory.
John Flåm
R&D Manager
His working background includes various positions within the Norwegian armed forces, Nordic Semiconductor and Embida/WaterLinked.
John holds a Ph.D. degree from the department of Electronics and Telecommunication, NTNU, Norway.
Rune Lindhjem
Senior Technical Advisor
Rune has a M.S. degree in Engineering Geology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Anita Holten
HR Manager
Anita´s education and working background is in sales and administration.
Lachezar Kirov
Operations manager & Manager of Devico Bulgaria
Lachezar graduated as a drilling engineer, M.Sc. in 2001 in the University of Mining and Geology, Sofia, Bulgaria with specialization “Exploration drilling”.
Before joining Devico he worked for a short time in the oil & gas industry.
Frank Finseth
Operations Manager – Nordic market
Frank holds a certificate in precision mechanics from NTNU in Trondheim and also has experience from the oil & gas service-industry.
Chris Tai
Asia Regional Manager
Chris graduated as an Earth Scientist / Geologist, B.Sc. in 1996 from the University of Hong Kong and obtained his M.Sc. of Applied GeoSciences from the same institute in 2003. Before joining Devico, he worked for 10 years as a Geotechnical Engineer / Project Manager in Civil Engineering industry.
Tarjei Fossum
Production Manager
Tarjei has several years of experience with product development, industrialization, and production in the oil and gas industry. As well as a B. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.
Magnus Lindsetmo Bestvold
Service & Support Manager
Magnus has a B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering and working on an MBA from NORD University.