Automatic Depth Estimation (ADE)

Automatic Depth Estimation (ADE)

Automatic Depth Estimation (ADE) is a new function within DeviGyro that enables continuous borehole surveying without the use of a wireline counter.

ADE is one of the latest significant software innovations of the continuously advancing DeviGyro and DeviCloud systems, establishing a new, game-changing survey method.

ADE mode allows DeviGyro customers to conduct quick, continuous surveying (up to 500m) without needing to use the DeviCounter wireline measuring device. The depth is instead estimated from the instruments’ onboard sensors, and new proprietary algorithms developed by Devico.

ADE works best in combination with our helix based DeviGyro running gear range (RG40, RG30 Helix, OX, OX mini, RG400) and though it has proven to work to greater depths, it has been designed specifically for short to medium range drill holes and therefore is not recommended for depths greater than 500m.

When selecting ADE mode DeviGyro users are simply required to provide information about the starting and ending depths, and then ADE estimates the continuous depths in between. Intermediate stops at specified depths are also supported.

For all DeviGyro surveys conducted in ADE mode, quality assurance is provided as per normal through DeviCloud, providing users with fast processing, instant QA/QC data analysis, comprehensive plotting, and inspection parameters, along with advanced reporting functionalities.

Available free right now for DeviGyro customers through the latest update in the DeviGyro App.

Visit the DeviCloud page for more information about the full system and benefits.


  • Enables continuous surveying without wireline counter
  • Survey data managed through DeviCloud
  • Reduces reliance on DeviCounter unit
  • Less equipment to manage at the rig
  • Reduce wireline counter maintenance
  • Increase drilled meters per shift
  • Less manual handling
  • Faster setup

Application areas

  • In-rod borehole surveying
  • Diamond Core Drilling: Surface & Underground
  • Reverse Circulation (RC) Drilling
  • Civil Drilling Applications

Contact us for more information

Frequently asked questions about Automatic Depth Estimation (ADE)

Do I have to return my DeviGyro to be upgraded to get ADE mode?

No. ADE is an innovative software development harnessing the DeviGyro instruments’ on-board sensors, and new proprietary algorithms developed by Devico. No hardware updates are required. All you have to do is conduct the latest update of the DeviGyro App to get ADE mode.

See answer

How are surveys conducted in ADE mode differentiated from surveys conducted with a DeviCounter?

When viewing a survey’s QA Report in DeviCloud, the Survey Details tab will indicate when ADE has been used or not, and when the DeviCounter has been used or not. In addition ADE surveys are identified in DeviCloud as Stationary surveys and will. DeviCounter surveys are identified as Continuous.

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How do I get ADE functionality for my DeviGyro?

Simply conduct the latest update of the DeviGyro App, and you will have ADE mode as an option to select from.

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Is ADE available with survey instruments other than the DeviGyro?

No, at this stage ADE is only provided for the DeviGyro technology.

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What DeviGyro running gear options are required when utilizing ADE mode?

All DeviGyro running gear options with rotating/helix centralizers. RG40 Standard, RG30 Helix, Overshot Xpress (OX).

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What does ADE cost?

Nothing, just like DeviCloud it is free for all DeviGyro customers.

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