In mineral exploration there can be many situations where a traditional drilling program will only provide limited information. One example may be steeply dipping ore zones where it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve good angle of intersection the deeper the target is. Another example may be ore zones located under lakes, pits, operating areas of the mine or other inaccessible areas where there are few or no good locations to prepare a rig site.
The innovative DCD technology gradually steers and adjusts the hole path as needed to reach the target.
Steering may be performed in any direction and over significant distances. It can also occur at different depths in order to line up the drill path in the best possible way.
- Ore bodies can be drilled and defined even in inaccessible or restricted areas, by setting the drill rig in an allocated area and steering the hole as needed. See also “Branch hole programs”.
- Target intersection angles are adjusted to a more perpendicular and improved angle.
- DCD gives the option to “chase” the ore zone and steer into it. The continuous core sample shows when the ore zone is entered.