The DeviGyro OX has proven that overshot surveying does not need to ‘weigh’ down the drilling process, both literally and figuratively. Driller-operated overshot surveying with the OX has taken the industry by storm, giving the drillers the power to save time and achieve higher-quality data while doing so. It offers the best of both worlds, providing a full continuous survey using the ADE (automatic depth estimation) in overshot mode with a simple click of a button! As a trainer for the OX, the most common feedback I receive is how convenient the size of the instrument is. It is much smaller in comparison to the competition and as such, boasts many benefits. The size allows the user to house the instrument within the drill shack during our very cold Canadian winters, provides plenty of room to remove the tube (especially in underground drilling scenarios where space is limited), and requires no disassembly to transport in its single carrying case. Personally, my first choice for contract surveying services is the OX, it is not only reliable and robust but provides a quality assurance of the data that I have yet to experience with any other instrument. I can proudly support and promote the DeviGyro OX as I have yet to encounter a scenario where it has not or will not rise to the occasion.

Sarah Byrnes-Coulombe, from SurveyTECH Instruments & Services about the OX
Sarah Byrnes-Coulombe, Area Manager at SurveyTECH Instruments & Services